Sunday, May 24

JUNSU Danced!! All Songs In Sapporo!

Junsu danced all songs @Sapporo on May 23rd!

Yeah~~~~~~~~!!!!!! (*^o^:)//

Junsu danced full numbers with members! wow!

I am so glad that Junsu is back!!


Junsu said “I am not perfect yet, but I could dance today and feel so~~~ good∼~☆☆. I will do my best again tomorrow!”

Yunho said, “Today is kind of like Junsu’s first day. I am so excited to be able to dance with all members!”

Ah~~~~~, we were so happy that Junsu is back!!!

Junsu seemed to have cried a bit and said,
“when I could not dance my members worked so hard to cover me up….”

Then all us fans cried with him.

Sam from TRF were sitting with us to cheer them up.

Junsu will be fine now.
I am so glad he is back!!! Yeah!!! (*^o^*)//

(Report from Japan above. Hokkaido, 5/23/09)

The report I started to write as soon as I heard the news that Junsu got hurt will end here. I am so glad he is back!

I will continue to support Junsu and all TVXQ members praying for them to be healthy and well.

Thank you so much for reading my report until today.
You too stay healthy and well, ok?! Thanks again! ^^

source: Junsulvさん
shared by: + sharingyoochun@wordpress + DBSKnights + ANS

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