Wednesday, March 18

Jessica and Jaejoong Dating for Real?

Jessica and Jaejoong Dating for Real?

Jessica and Jaejoong Dating for Real?

Those crazy netizens are at it again (!

A group of very lunatic observant netizens are once again trying to prove that SNSD's Jessica and DBSK's Jaejoong are dating in real life.

They managed to get their hands on some pictures of Jaejoong and Jessica in different places, on several occasions wearing what appears to be the same ring...hell, who am I kidding? It IS the same ring--and on the same finger!

The poor, deluded fans who probably actually still think they have a chance with the sexy statue hottie Jaejoong, are hoping that the ring was give to him by his fans or is just apart of his costumes...hello, if it was, would he be wearing it when he's not perfoming? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Whether they're dating or not, I'll let you be the judge...but my question is, if you really loved your idols, wouldn't you want them to be happy?

Evidence of Jessica and Jaejoong Dating?

What do you think?

Jessica and Jaejoong Dating for Real?

omg jinja...???? geeeeee.... this rumor is bEen going on forever....

i mean can they juST admit it it was for real..? xD! LOL like in fanficS...

ahahahahha... im addictive... but them dating~... geeeeee!!!!

1 comment:

EmieNoona said...

I think that they are hottt together. besides its not like I have a chance with him.