Thursday, January 15

DBSK 25th single - BOLERO PV + Heaven's Postman news

for HQ download, click HERE
FULL CREDITS TO DBSKer!!!!!!!! (they are so fast :3)
whoop! and some promotion posters on jae's new drama...

credit: hero jaejoong part 7 @ AF

Apparently, jae will be called Yuu and Han Hyo Joo will be called Saki (thats my jap name, well thats wut i though..~ )
And Saki will have a lover BEFORE she meets Yuu, but he died...
and Yuu used to be a rich kid in the fashion business but he has a car crash and becomes a vegetable...
then god gives him 2 weeks to be a messenger between the mortal and immortal worlds~
so he's not really alive nor dead...(i actually like this idea seeing we have all been saying that jaejoong must have been descended from god XD)
btw thank you to fangirlmitz for this piece of info ^^

i cant wait for the drama..~ wish its the showing date now..~ :P

and this... like fangirlmitz says... its just to cute to miss....

credit: 파인애플

can u gueSs who is on the left side? the little cute boy..?




now i know that this is really long but..

just cant resist..

"" :P

- okey,,.. its jaejo0ng... cute ne./ hehehehe


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nice blog...